two donuts

About Us

Our Story

From the First Batch
to Today

Marisa Wondolleck is constantly dreaming up new flavors.

A native of Sonoma County, Marisa learned professional baking techniques at a local culinary school and honed her skills making custom cakes at top bakeries around the North Bay Area before eventually opening her own shop to focus on her true love–gourmet donuts. Able to fully embrace her culinary creativity, Dirty Girls Donuts shot to success soon after Marisa launched it in 2016 when she was just 22 years old.

Marisa comes up with her artisanal donut creations based on everything from recent travels, to rising culinary trends, to seasonal produce. Sonoma is the perfect place to experiment with unexpected flavors and local ingredients – the donut opportunities are endless!

She named her shop Dirty Girl Donuts for one reason: “I’m a messy baker,” she says. “Always have been covered in flour and chocolate. Always will be.”

Four Women Smiling In The Kitchen Of Dirty Girl Donuts


Simply the best ingredients

cropped logo red 1

A Gallery to Drool Over

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Calories

two cone looking donuts covered in sugar and filled with melted chocolate
whipped cream donut with cherry
donut served on a glass of milk
donut with two different toppings on the sides
pop tart donut
sugar covered donut served in a palte
box full of delicious donuts
animal cookie donut
cream and chocolate chips covered donut with an oreo cookie on top and a hand dipping one of the cookies in a milk cup
two glazed donuts with smoked organge wheel as garnish

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